SwachaGraha Kalika Kendra(SGKK) - Composting Learning Center
Objective of Kalika Kendra
Decentralized processing of domestic wet waste is key to garbage free "Clean Bengaluru".
If every household is responsible for their waste, and manage their kitchen and garden waste at source, much of the mounting garbage problem will be solved.
Decentralized management of other community waste will in effect reduce the waste reaching landfill to just 5-10%.
SGKK is created to bring about citizen awareness regarding waste management.
About SGKK, SwachaGraha Kalika Kendra
First of its kind in India, SGKK is the Learning Center for kitchen and garden waste composting.
This houses more than 20 home and community composting models.
The center also educates visitors on how the compost can be used to grow healthy chemical free vegetables and greens.
This is truly an unique experience and theme park that brings together visitors from in and around Bangalore and across the seas.