As you walk into HSR Layout, you will notice that the area is refreshingly clean compared to other areas. You would have noticed it particularly when you head back home after a long day at work.
Given that all the infrastructure related issues remain the same across Bangalore, what is different here is that the roads are cleaner and greener. All this is made possible by the relentless and passionate work of HSR's citizen volunteers. How can you help HSR sustain this?
If you are a new resident to HSR, Welcome to HSR Layout, the MODEL WARD !
Please keep yourself updated of our Solid Waste Management practices.
Please listen to the audio of segregation method we follow in HSR. This is 2bin1bag Method mandated by Karnataka High Court. Please click on the link below or scroll down the page.
Wet kitchen waste : All 7 days of the weeek
Dry Recylable Waste: Two days a week, specific to each auto route. Please take time to understand the days for your auto route.
Reject Sanitary Waste: All 7 days of the week.
If you are a home owner and have rented your house or apartment, this is how you can help us!