HSR is a clean and green ward that other wards want to emulate. But, there have been some areas where despite our best efforts, some night time dumping of unsegregated waste has been happening. Our supervisors have systematically removed many of these 'black spots' in the layout. Some cleanup events have been initiated by The Ugly Indian or Let's Be The Change groups, that work on eliminating garbage dumps by engaging the citizens. HSR Citizen Forum identifies places that require cleanups, and actively take part in these events. It brings lot of satisfaction to see these garbage dumps eliminated. We also think up about ways to maintain the cleanliness of the place.
We have also initiated some plog runs and taken part in larger corporate, and bangalore Plog Run initiatives. Plogging is a German ward for jogging with picking up litter. Going in large group picking up any wayside plastics, we also talk to shop owners and grab the attention of people walking by. During these plog runs, we educate people to avoid single use non-essential plastics in their lives.
Outer Ring Road Lorry Point Cleanup